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About The Bar

Write For®

If the word truly is mightier than the sword, we're looking for writers who pack lots of knives....big Rambo knives. If you have a sharp tongue backed by sharper insights, drop us a line. We'd love to consider you as a regular columnist.

Basic guidelines:

Depending on what you submit, you'll get some of the following: a photo, link, bio paragraph (we prefer something sassy and funny), and permission to re-use the piece and show a publication credit. Sorry, no money. That's why we're so generous with a byline, bios, links, reprint and linking rights, and such. You get glory and fame, not fortune. Well, at least a blip on the fame scale; what you're able to make out of it depends on you. YMMV.

Eventually, we may get around to posting additional details here. In the meantime, please our intellectual property lawyers by looking over the Contributor Policies section of Our Policies. That'll get you started.