What's a Niblet?
By Richard B. Barger, ABC, APR
Originally Posted
First of all, a CornerBarPR.com® Niblet is NOT in any way, shape, or form related to, or an intent to infringe on, the trademarks of the respected Green Giant® company's brand of sweet corn or other, similar vegetables.
No, for us, Niblet is closer to the dictionary definition of "a small piece of food."
But that's not quite right, either.
The way we're using it around here, a Niblet really is a CornerBarPR.com combination of "nibble" and "tidbit" -- morsels of thought or comments that are too small, brief, or insignificant to warrant an entire paragraph or column or News Munchie.
Oh, what starts out as a Niblet may eventually grow into a longer piece, but, when it's first posted, a Niblet is just the germ of an idea that we want to share -- without having to think too much.
And we're really good at that!