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New PRSA Look a Site for Sore Eyes

By® Staff

Originally Posted

The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) has brought the Society's Web site into the 21st Century.

Last re-designed in the mid '90s -- buggy-whip days on the Internet -- the slick new design features all the stuff you'd include in such a site, given the chance.

A long-needed function has been added: PRSA finally has caught up with IABC in allowing members to look up contact information on other members in this itinerant, I'll-keep-my-email-address-for-a-month-this-time profession. Say the secret password …

Much of the credit for the terrific new look goes to Robin Michaels, PRSA's director of Web content, although in typical PR fashion, the Society offered an Academy Award-type thank you to everyone from Bill Gates to Mariah Carey.

The absolute best feature of the new site? The CornerBarPR.comSM ad that is in rotation on the PRSA home page! It might take a little patience, but check us out.

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