News Munchies
For All those Marketers Who Don't Bother to Read Our Web Site
By Richard B. Barger, ABC, APR
Originally Posted
We've posted this notice before, but it appears that suppliers and marketers don't bother to read our site before blindly sending us promos, so we'll give them another chance...
We certainly don't believe all suppliers or marketers are idiots. However, at CornerBarPR.com®, we get our share.
On an all-too-frequent basis, CornerBarPR.com is contacted by folks who obviously have never read our Web site or our Google+ page.
If they had, they would have found information similar to ...
"CornerBarPR.com opened in Jan 2001. Right now, we're in the midst of a major site overhaul, implementing new technology -- everything has changed dramatically in the intervening years -- and an improved format and user experience. We don't yet have a date for full implementation, but, as our Tech God tells us, 'it's getting closer and closer.'"
As we've said many times in several places, it makes no sense for us to promote or add extensive new content to CornerBarPR.com as we are upgrading and updating and making significant improvements.
Because of vast changes in Web technology since we opened our doors in 2001, some of our pages no longer render properly, and many features rely on now-outdated software and programming approaches.
But it's clear that many of the folks who contact us have failed to comprehend a crucial message from Marketing/Public Relations 101 -- you know, the admonition that you be familiar with the outlet's specifics and approach before blindly sending them your pitch.
In a way, though, their careless or clueless approaches are beneficial.
Now we know what companies and services to avoid using in the future.