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Andersen Lives On with Alumni Network Sites

By® Staff

Originally Posted

Andersen alums still have a home. More than one, actually. A Web site specifically designed to reunite former Arthur Andersen LLP employees was started in July by a former audit manager in Andersen's Atlanta office. The attractive site,, contains an alumni directory, discussion forum, calendar of events, detailed corporate history, a popular "job opportunities" section, information about 401(k) plans and pensions, and a lengthy set of terms and conditions that rival those of CornerBarPR.comSM, but that aren't nearly as much fun.

The site, started by Warren Turner, originally was to create a venue where Andersen alumni could keep in touch with one another. "I had this idea over a year ago," Turner says. "I registered it pre-Enron, so this was a fluke."

Other sites have sprung up. There's, "the global website for the alumni of the Big 5 accounting firms"; Andersen Alumni, whose goal is "to enable current Andersen employees and alumni to maintain relationships, network and find current or ex-colleagues from around the world"; and the Andersen Alumni Network.

The Network, part of Andersen's intellectual property, is a database of more than 85,000 former Andersen employees, linking current staffers with former Andersenites now working in high-level corporate positions.

Then there's, which gives the former Andersen employee community a chance to blast the company and to obtain a free email account. It's, of course.

The "sucks" site incestuously links back to Andersen Alumni.

Ah, what a tangled Web we weave.

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