Ask Bob
Trump's Tax Returns
Originally Posted
Straight Stuff from the Other Side of the Bar
Move over Ann Landers and Miss Manners. Bartender Bob could care less about etiquette; he exists to pour drinks and dish answers to wayward PR folks who need a straight shot of truth.
Bartender Bob answers all career- and industry-related questions and does so with the bite of a drink laced with 151. His Italian, in-your-face responses may rub you the wrong way, but he means well.
Today's Question:
Bartender Bob: Here's a political communications matter for you. Do you have any advice for Presidential candidate Donald Trump on releasing his elusive income tax returns?
Armchair Political Strategist
Dear Armchair Political Strategist
This is a simple one, PolStrat. If Donald Trump plans to release his tax returns at some time, he should wait for Hillary Clinton to bring up the issue during a Presidential Debate.
Then he should step across the stage with a sheaf of papers and hand them to her, saying, "Here they are, Hillary. Next question?"
Bartender Bob